
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Trainer

33 Options ยท Game Version: v1.0-v1.2.8+ ยท Last Updated: 2024.01.05

Note: Single player mode only.Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Trainer/Cheat


Battle Options
Alt+Num 1 – Infinite Health
Alt+Num 2 – Infinite Horse Health
Alt+Num 3 – Infinite Shield Durability
Alt+Num 4 – Infinite Party Health
Alt+Num 5 – One Hit Kill
Alt+Num 6 – Ignore Melee Damage

Map Options
Ctrl+Num 1 – Edit Gold
Ctrl+Num 2 – Edit Influence
Ctrl+Num 3 – Infinite Food
Ctrl+Num 4 – Max Morale
Ctrl+Num 5 – Trade/Exchange Items Don’t Decrease
Ctrl+Num 6 – Max Carrying Capacity
Ctrl+Num 7 – Set Game Speed
Ctrl+Num 8 – Movement Speed
Ctrl+Num 9 – Slow AI Movement Speed
Ctrl+Num 0 – Barter Offer Always Accepted
Ctrl+Num . – Freeze Daytime

Ctrl+F1 – Infinite Skill XP
Ctrl+F2 – Skill XP Multiplier
Alt+F1 – Edit Attribute Points
Alt+F2 – Edit Focus Points
Ctrl+F5 – Infinite Renown
Ctrl+F6 – Renown Multiplier
Ctrl+F7 – Infinite Smithy Stamina
Ctrl+F8 – Infinite Smithy Materials
Ctrl+F9 – Unlock All Smithy Parts
Ctrl+F10 – Infinite Troops XP
Ctrl+F11 – Troops XP Multiplier

Alt+F5 – Max Character Relationship
Alt+F6 – Persuasion/Conversation Always Succeed
Alt+F7 – Instant Siege Construction
Alt+F8 – One Day Settlements Construction
Alt+F9 – Can Recruit Prisoners At Anytime

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2020-03-30 20:11

Idk why but it is not working. I mean I tried to open it but it doesn’t even pop up the window…then I open up the task manager and the trainer was on the list but nothing on my screen..

Dread Goddess
Dread Goddess
2020-03-30 20:42

the Trainers a bit buggy on the Windows 10 i5 760 LGA 1156 if that matters.. more CTD’s now.. trying to figure which is causing it.. if its the Infinite skill XP or Multiplier.. i havent used the HP cheats yet, but they do Enable.. will let ya know Fling thanks btw!!

2020-03-30 20:45

any chance of an easy part unlock in smithing?

2020-03-30 21:03

When joining tournaments, enemies have infinite health as you do
even when you turn off the cheats

2020-03-30 23:31

Dude fuck yes. Carry capacity is all I wanted from life!!!

2020-03-31 00:22

Man, you’re the best!

2020-03-31 00:52

Hey Fling, just wanted to say Gtrainers are hosting your work. You probably already know but…yeah. There was also a day one patch not sure how it might’ve affected this. Keep up the good work!

2020-03-31 03:18

Would be cool if you could type in a custom XP multiplier instead of the limit at 16.

awesome trainer though!

2020-03-31 05:46

Pls add a renown cheat for the Clan Tier and a always 100% win at the Persuasions things please ๐Ÿ™‚

if not its okay too XD

2020-03-31 06:02

Thank you so much for the fast trainer. It would be nice to fix the health issue in tournaments.

2020-03-31 08:36

infinite skill xp doesn’t seem to work with charm and leadership

just some guy
just some guy
2020-03-31 08:41

thanks fling

one day i’ll build a church in your honour

Albert Speer
Albert Speer
2020-03-31 08:54

Ctrl + f4hotkey collides with already existing ingame cheats
God mode works for opponents in arena
Unlimited ammo option would be handful

some young guy
some young guy
2020-03-31 09:02

Error Message
Address not found, please try to restart the game & trainer.
If this error still occur, please contact me at FLiNGTrainer.com or at 3DMGAME.
Be sure to include the following data (Press Ctrl+C to copy).

Process ID: 00002C74
Search Range: 00007FFCE2E57940 – 00007FFCE2E57B40
Bytes Searched: 0.01 MB

Signature: F3 0F 11 96 68 01 00 00

Memory Dump: 56 48 83 EC 30 C5 F8 77 48 8B F1 C4 E1 78 57 C0 C4 E1 78 28 D1 C4 E1 6A 5C D0 C4 E1 7A 10 05 AD 00 00 00 C4 E1 68 54 D0 C4 E1 7A 10 05 A3 00 00 00 C4 E1 78 2E C2 73 11 C4 E1 7A 5A C1 E8 AE 84 30 5E C4 E1 7B 2C C8 EB 02 33 C9 C4 E1 60 57 DB C4 E1 62 2A D9 C4 E1 78 28 D3 C4 E1 7A 10 86 68 01 00 00 C4 E1 7A 5C C2 C4 E1 7A 10 0D 5F 00 00 00 C4 E1 78 54 C1 C4 E1 7A 10 0D 59 00 00 00 C4 E1 78 2E C8 73 3D C4 E1 7A 10 86 68 01 00 00 E9 2C 86 2E 00 0F 1F 40 00 48 8B 4E 10 48 85 C9 75 06 48 83 C4 30 5E C3 48 89 4C 24 28 48 8D 51 08 48 8B 0A 48 8B D6 C4 E1 78 28 D0 48 8B 44 24 28 FF 50 18 90 48 83 C4 30 5E C3 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF 7F AC C5 27 37 AC C5 27 37 19 05 02 00 05 52 01 60 40 00 00 00 98 56 0C E3 FC 7F 00 00 C3 00 00 00 19 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E8 56 0C E3 FC 7F 00 00 57 56 48 83 EC 28 C5 F8 77 48 8B F2 48 B9 F8 EF 0A E2 FC 7F 00 00 E8 A5 AA 1C 5E 48 8B F8 C4 E1 7A 10 05 59 00 00 00 C4 E1 7A 11 47 20 48 8D 4F 08 48 8B D6 E8 27 C5 1C 5E 48 8B CE 48 8B D7 39 09 E8 4A F9 FF FF 48 B9 80 F1 0A E2 FC 7F 00 00 E8 6B AA 1C 5E 48 8B F8 48 8B CF 48 8B D6 E8 2D A2 16 FF 48 8B CE 48 8B D7 48 B8 E0 73 E5 E2 FC 7F 00 00 48 83 C4 28 5E 5F 48 FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 42 19 06 03 00 06 42 02 60 01 70 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 57 0C E3 FC 7F 00 00 57 56 48 83 EC 38 C5 F8 77 C4 E1 78 29 74 24 20 48 8B F1 48 8D 4E 08 E8 A4 C4 1C 5E 48 B9 48 97 57 F2 27 01 00 00 48 8B 09 49 BB C0 65 CF E2 FC 7F 00 00 BA 01 00 00 00 39 09 FF 15 90 EA E9 FF C4 E1 78 28 F0 48 B9 A8 FC 0A E2 FC 7F 00 00 E8

Trainer Version: Mount and Blade II Bannerlord Early Access Plus 19 Trainer Updated

Daniel Abbott
Daniel Abbott
2020-03-31 09:45

Error Message
Address not found, please try to restart the game & trainer.
If this error still occur, please contact me at FLiNGTrainer.com or at 3DMGAME.
Be sure to include the following data (Press Ctrl+C to copy).

Process ID: 00004F74
Search Range: 00007FFA7E14EE20 – 00007FFA7E14F020
Bytes Searched: 0.00 MB

Signature: F3 0F 11 96 68 01 00 00

Memory Dump: โ€”

Trainer Version: Mount and Blade II Bannerlord Early Access Plus 19 Trainer Updated