
Tormented Souls Trainer

10 Options · Game Version: v0.73.6-v0.93.0+ · Last Updated: 2023.11.04

Tormented Souls Trainer/Cheat


Num 1 – God Mode/Ignore Hits
Num 2 – Infinite Health
Num 3 – Infinite Ammo
Num 4 – Enable Global Lights
Num 5 – Stealth Mode
Num 6 – Infinite Items
Num 7 – Open Debug Menu
Num 8 – Set Player Speed
Num 9 – Set Game Speed
Num 0 – One Hit Kill


File Date added File size Downloads
zip Tormented.Souls.v0.73.6-v0.93.0.Plus.10.Trainer-FLiNG 2023-11-04 21:44 1.05 MB 1575
zip Tormented.Souls.v0.73.6.Plus.10.Trainer-FLiNG 2021-09-20 09:38 939 KB 9263
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2021-10-01 04:23

Please HOTWHEELS trainer

2021-11-18 03:19

trainer has Trojan:Script/Oneeva.A!ml

2021-12-02 15:24
At the beginning of the game there are certain dark areas that can kill the protagonist if she is exposed for a long time.
You get a Zippo type lighter and with it you can already illuminate those dark areas. The problem is that this way we have our hands full and no weapon can be equipped to kill the enemies.

After activating a generator, the light returns in many points, enough to be able to remove the lighter and use whatever weapon with the enemies.

The problem is that the use of some tricks makes the light that gave thanks to the generator look off, even if we are going to restart the generator again. The lights that came on with the generator are off even though the generator is running.
And now, even if the tricks that cause this are deactivated, it is not fixed.
You would have to go save and then load the game again at that point, and no longer give those cheats again.

There will be later that we will find a flashlight from the pocket and then it will leave us hands free.

When using the following tricks, it will happen that the lights go out and we could die if we do not use the lighter:

Num 1 - God Mode / Ignore Hits ·
Num 2 - Infinite Health
Num 3 - Infinite ammunition

You can reactivate the light as if nothing happened using the trick:

Num 4 - Enable global lights

But at first his thing is to play it normal until the normal lighting or by the flashlight is already as if this trick was activated, but in a normal way and in due time.

It can also be played perfectly with other tricks of the trainer that do not affect the loss of light at the beginning, such as:

Num 5 - Stealth Mode
Num 6 - Infinite objects
Num 0 - Kill with a single hit

With the stealth mode the enemies do not attack us, because they do not see us, therefore they will not harm us.
With the infinite objects, because the ammunition, the saving tapes and the morphine injections to heal health are infinite and on top of that every time you take one, it will be 99.

With 1 hit kill, because most of the enemies we will remove from the middle before they get too close with less spending on ammunition and health objects.

Later, when perhaps a tough enemy comes out and attacks us and does not kill him the first time, because you can activate cheat 1, 2 or both of God Mode and Health inf.
By then maybe the light will be global or at least have the flashlight and if not activate the trick of number 4 and those lights that went off will turn on again.

Al principio del juego hay ciertas zonas oscuras que pueden matar a la protagonista si se expone mucho rato.
Se consigue un mechero de esos tipo Zippo y con él ya se puede iluminar esas zonas oscuras. El problema es que asi llevamos las manos ocupadas y no se puede equipar alguna arma para matar a los enemigos.

Despues de activar un generador pues vuelve la luz en muchos puntos,suficiente para poder quitar el mechero y ya usar el arma que sea con los enemigos.

El problema es que el uso de algunos trucos hace como que la luz que daba gracias al generador se vea apagada,aunque vayamos a volver a reiniciar el generador. Las luces que se encendieron con el generador están apagadas aunque se vea este en marcha.
Y ya,aunque se desactiven los trucos causantes de esto,pues no se arregla.
Habria que ir a guardar y luego cargar el juego de nuevo en ese punto,y ya no darle a esos trucos otra vez.

Habrá mas adelante con que nos encontraremos con una linterna de la de bolsillo y entonces nos dejará las manos libres.

Al usar los trucos siguientes ocurrirá eso de que se apagen las luces y podramos morir sino usamos el mechero:

Num 1 - Modo Dios / Ignorar golpes·
Num 2 - Salud infinita·
Num 3 - Munición infinita·

Se puede reactivar la luz como si no pasara nada usando el truco:

Num 4 - Habilitar luces globales·

Pero al principio lo suyo es jugarlo normal hasta que la iluminación normal o por la linterna ya sea como si se activara este truco,pero de forma normal y a su tiempo.

Se puede jugar tambien perfectamente con otros trucos del trainer que no afectan a eso de perder la luz al principio,como son:

Num 5 - Modo sigiloso·
Num 6 - Objetos infinitos·
Num 0 - Mata con un solo golpe·

Con el modo sigiloso los enemigos no nos atacan,pues no nos ven,por ende no nos haran daño.
Con los objetos infinitos,pues la munición,las cintas de guardado y las inyecciones de morfina para curar salud son infinitas y encima cada vez que se coge una ,seran 99.

Con matar de 1 golpe,pues a la mayoria de enemigos los quitaremos de enmedio antes de que se acerquen demasiado con menos gasto de munición y objetos de salud.

Mas adelante,cuando quizas salga un enemigo duro y que nos ataca y no lo mata a la primera,pues se puede activar el truco 1,el 2 o ambos de Modo Dios y Salud inf.
Para entonces quizas la luz ya sea global o al menos tener la linterna y sino activar el truco del numero 4 y esas luces que se apagaron se volveran a encender.
2021-12-02 16:01

Otra cosa que he probado es a activar los trucos que sean desde el menu del comienzo del juego.
De esta manera no hay fallos en que se vaya la luz.
Esto pasa cuando queremos activar los trucos n1,n2 y n3 estando ya jugando con la protagonista.

Another thing that I have tried is to activate the cheats that are from the menu at the beginning of the game.

This way there are no failures in which the power goes out.

This happens when we want to activate cheats n1, n2 and n3 while already playing with the protagonist
Reply to  Indalo
2021-12-02 16:33

Para usar los trucos n1 ,n2 y n3, debemos tambien usar el N4 para mantener las luces encendidas.Las que se iluminaban con el generador en marcha.

To use tricks n1, n2 and n3, we must also use the N4 to keep the lights on, the ones that lit up with the generator running.
2021-12-26 15:59

The trainer fails to activate at all. Is there an issue with it? I haven’t tried the WeMod version, but the standalone version doesn’t work for me.

Reply to  OmegaOfYourDreams
2021-12-26 19:33

EDIT: The WeMod version works perfectly, but for some reason, the standalone version won’t activate. For some reason, this has been happening a lot lately.

2023-11-05 07:21
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart please beautiful you are the best keep it up Fling